27 January 2022

Traffic management – explaining the jargon…

Trading for over 20 years, TSM is now one of the UK’s largest independent traffic management companies, committed to a future of smart traffic management technology, backed by dedicated office and field resources, and fully supported by an in-house CAD team.
This gives us the expertise and operational capability to handle a wide variety of traffic management requirements – from hire and set-up of portable signals, low-speed 12D street works up to high-speed 12A & B type works. As you would expect, we are fully accredited and trained up to the relevant NHSS standards, we also comply fully with Chapter 8 guidance and the New Roads and Streetworks Act (NRSWA).  
That’s the necessary jargon, but what does it actually mean? Here’s an essential glossary to explain a few of these terms:

  • Sector Scheme 12A: installing, maintaining and removing static temporary traffic management on motorways and high-speed dual carriageways, and schemes incorporating contraflow operations and/or temporary road markings.

  • Sector Scheme 12B: static temporary traffic management on motorways and high-speed dual carriageways, and schemes not incorporating contraflow operations and/or temporary road markings.

  • Sector Scheme 12D: installing temporary traffic management on rural and urban roads, ensuring safe working areas for the workforce.

  • Chapter 8 guidance: best practice and legislation relating to the installation and delivery of temporary traffic management.

  • New Roads and Streetworks Act (NRSWA): a legislative framework for street works by statutory undertakers and those involved in works on the roads that highway authorities must coordinate, ensuring operatives work safely and effectively on public highways meeting prescribed legal requirements and permit conditions.

12D and NRSWA works
This applies to works on single carriageways up to 60mph and dual carriageways over 40mph and under, so they are predominantly on Local Authority networks, managed by the Highways dept. Did you know, every job that goes on the road needs a permit, approval or temporary traffic order (TTRO)? TSM can assist with processing this, helping to expedite works through their local highway authority relationships, ensuring submissions are compliant and managed correctly. This also includes administering the booking of parking bay suspensions, bus stop suspension and any other associated application to works.
12A/B works
12A schemes are static schemes typically where temporary road markings are required, such as narrow lanes and contra-flows. TSM can provide support from ECI through to delivery.
12B works are relaxation closures. These will generally be lane closures and slip closures but can involve any type of work on a 50mph and over dual carriageway that is short duration.
Full expertise
As a matter of course, we have the expertise to handle consultation, design and planning and all statutory paperwork. Working in partnership with clients, we utilise a holistic approach, tailoring our services and scaling up to meet specific requirements. This includes 24-hour call-out 36 days a year, along with 24-hour maintenance programmes, as required. Experienced in all aspects of traffic management, we can also provide:

  • Pedestrian Management, including temporary walkways, barriers & fencing, matting, marshals & pedestrian escorting and portable & temporary systems.

  • Event Management, including traffic management, parking, admission control, signage & stewarding for sporting events, music concerts, festivals & parades and charity events.

As you can see, there isn’t anything we haven’t handled, and we are fully committed to providing sustainable solutions for the UK’s road traffic management requirements. To find out how we can design, manage and support a complete traffic management solution to meet your specific needs, ensuring the highest levels of efficiency and safety, call us on 01564 700241 or email enquiries@tsmltd.co.uk